Wednesday, March 29, 2006

What do you take for granted?

I take good books for granted. I appreciate them--but frankly, I assume there will always be books I want to read.

I mean plain old fashioned books--words on paper, with a cover. Everytime someone starts speculating about books being out of date, ebooks being the wave of the future, yadda yadda...I cringe.

I don't think I'm in that much danger, though.

How 'bout you?


Anonymous said...

Libraries. They are such wonderful resources, and they get the meager scrap leftovers from most places budgets.
Sad really.
And of course Librarians, secret mistresses of all arcane knowledge

Anne C. Watkins said...

Oh, I love books! Real, honest-to-goodness books you can hold in your hands.

pssst...mac...parrot pix....go look...

Unknown said...

I think I take technology for granted to some degrees--the ease with which we can now communicate. Every once in a while I realize if I want to get in touch with someone, I can call on the phone, the cell phone, send a fax over the phone or the internet, leave a message on a blackberry, send an email, or an instant message, or have a chat, plus there's still telegrams and...and that dinosaur the paper letter.

And it just strikes me as amazing. And yet I still wish I could just be there, instead of just being all wired up.

Wisdom Weasel said...

The relative ease with which we cover even fairly short distances these days. I went to the movies in the next town over on Sunday- a round trip of 16 miles- and it dawned on me that walking at a brisk pace the whole journey would have taken me 4 hours.

Its amazing to me that our prehistoric ancestors spread out like they did, especially with nothing to read on the journey.

Frank Baron said...

I take my own health for granted which is really pretty stupid. But I never claimed to be the sharpest pencil in the box.

Esther Avila said...

I love books so much. The convenience of reading a story almost immediately online or in an ebook is nice, but there's something about cuddling up on a couch, next to a fireplace, or out on the terrace on a sunny day, that can never be replaced. And, To me, a day in the library is like heaven.

ohdawno said...

I discovered on Friday that I took it for granted that folks would just look at me as plain ol' Dawno...nothing special, nobody to worry about if she got into a weird ruckus on the TIO about sparklies.

I know better now.