Random notes and maunderings about writing, life, and whatever struck my fancy lately.
Friday, February 10, 2006
Just for fun
Because I never grew out of comic-kid geekdom. Via Writes Like She Talks--Which Superhero are you? Take the Quiz, post your answers--if you don't post here, give us a link, eh?
I'm 95% Spiderman, as it turns out:
"You are intelligent, witty, a bit geeky and have great power and responsibility."
In that Jl4 is the self-indefied conservative and I am the self denying liberal (I prefer socialist but I know it is a dirty word with a different meaning here in the states. GWB's great friend Tony Blair leads a socialist party you know...)
I don't have any issues with the label "socialist," by the way. It's unfortunately commonly confuses with "communist" here in the states--meaning that specific, Vietnam conflict and cold-war brand of communism.
Yeaaaah..I love you (ironical). Owing to you, I know now written down - I am Wonder Woman!
Huge. I love it.
You saved my day.
Well, I was 67% Robin, and 60% Spider-Man.
I'm retaking this thing...
HULK! I'm... Hulk!?!
Alright. The first time I took it I was 67% Robin.
So I took it again.
Take 2: 80% Robin.
Oh dear. I didn't even know they had a Robin...
Oh, lord, I'm Superman. We're all gonna die. Heh.
Fun stuff, Mac. :)
85% Spiderman and 80% Supergirl
oh, I'm testing 'coComment!' and this was my first test - if it helps I'll blog about it.
Guess I'm retaking it as well since I came up as 85% Robin!!!
Now that was at least interesting.
Hmm, Mac, what do you think about take 2?
80% Green Lantern
Hot-headed, strong will power and good imagination. I dunno...
JL4--you could at least TELL us...
JM, yep. I think that's a match. Definitely a Green Lantern.
Super Girl...who'd a thunk? ;)
-BellaCora :)
Oh...I'm sorry. It said Incredible Hulk, although I've always seen myself as "Underdog" or "Chicken Maaaaan" (HE'S EVERYWHERE, HE'S EVERYWHERE!!!!!)
Me and JL4, Mr. Conservative vs. Mr. Liberal- both The Hulk. Common ground is often closer than one thinks.... ;)
I was hoping to be the Thing from the Fantastic Four- erudite, sensitive, and built like a brick sh*thouse. I guess its not an option?
In that Jl4 is the self-indefied conservative and I am the self denying liberal (I prefer socialist but I know it is a dirty word with a different meaning here in the states. GWB's great friend Tony Blair leads a socialist party you know...)
Ah--irony. :)
I don't have any issues with the label "socialist," by the way. It's unfortunately commonly confuses with "communist" here in the states--meaning that specific, Vietnam conflict and cold-war brand of communism.
I tend toward Marxist, myself.
J--good. I'll start tagging ya. :)
Turns out I'm 70% Supergirl. I still wondering what my remaining 30% is. ;)
This was fun. Saw it here and on Ray and Jill's blog.
I love spiderman!
And because you haven't written about the "five weird things" meme yet, I'm affectionately tagging you.
So here's what I got.
Your results:
You are Robin
Young and acrobatic. You don't mind stepping aside to give someone else glory.
Acrobatic?? Not me!! lol
A tie between Spiderman and Supergirl.
I think I probably should have lied on the question about whether I'd ever worn a push-up bra...
I find it interesting that Mark keeps bringing up push up bras and that he's usually referencing his own wearing of same...
75% Spiderman, 75% Catwoman...
I'm always Catwoman. Which suits me fine because of my obsessive fangirl lust for Batman.
Lean, muscular and feminine.
Honest and a defender of the innocent.
Yeah, Ilike it...that was fun!!
Guess I am somewhat of a comic-geek too as my photo will attest..
I'm all Aston West, all the time...
can't beat that for superhero-dom...
75% Hulk
75% Spiderman
You are a wanderer with amazing strength.
I'm a little late to the party, but thanks for the Super Hero quiz. "You are a beautiful princess with great strength of character."
Wonder Woman. That's me. I wonder about just about everything.
Sentia, that's okay--better late than never. :) I'm glad you're here, and I hope you'll hang out with us, now.
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