No special reason. And no plans to make it a weekly thing, even.
Here's some of the stuff I looked at this week, in no particular order:
Homer and the Origin of the Greek Alphabet - essay
Questionable Content - web comic I'm completely addicted to for no reason I can explain or identify
Nietzsche, Plato and Aristotle on Mimesis - essay
The Captured German Records Collection - WWII German records
The Religious Movements Page - alphabetical listing with a brief history and summary of religious movements from Adidam to Zoroastrianism
Hailes Castle - Medieval Scottish ruin
Strange Horizons - SF ezine, I rather liked "We Will Not Go To Memphis, Then" which has a strong American poetry flavor, but handles subject matter reminiscent of King's The Stand
A Dictionary of Middle English Cooking Terms - Just what it sounds like. With recipes!